Friday, June 15, 2007

well-done b-movie

Last night while doing homemaker chores I watched 1994's Reform School Girl on late-night cable. It was a fine example of the genre, containing all the necessary elements (if a little more clean than the usual, due to its made-for-tv nature--no broom rape): bad boy leading good girl astray, lecherous adults in authority, shower scenes, schoolgirl uniforms, food fight, dancing with a mop, slow-motion running, the isolation cell, young lesbian love, rivalry between prep school girls and convicts. And it had the added value of an uplifting ending, cool 50s cars, and Matt LeBlanc playing bad boy Vince (so badly it seemed that Joey was playing the part). Loved it!!


Anonymous said...

Not to be confused with "Reform School Girls", the 1986 gem starring Wendy O Williams of the Plasmatics, and Pat Ast as the black-hearted Matron who stomps on a kitten smuggled in to the ward. Priceless.

Liz B said...

ooo, haven't seen that one, must hunt it down.

Anonymous said...

It's definitely worth finding.