Friday, May 4, 2007

actors can't be trusted

...they take your women and rewire your lighting.

The group that rehearses at night in our office space plugged the spotlights into the regular office light circuit so we have to climb up and move them... but they left yellow post-it notes in everyone's chairs that said "We may have altered your chair arrangement last night. Sorry, we won't do it again. -the resident artists." I think it might be performance art.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

tara reid is a slut

Blonde: So, where is she from?
Friend: Croatia.
Blonde: Where's that?
Friend: It's, like, by Italy.
Blonde: Ohhh, like Czechoslovakia.
Friend: No, Croatia. Near Bosnia and Serbia.
Blonde: Oh, so it's like Russia.
Thug: Croatia, bitch! Former Yugoslavia! Remember, they had a civil war and broke up into five countries?
Blonde: [Stares blankly.]
Thug: Jesus Christ, study a fuckin' map. Even Tara Reid knows where it is.
--6 train, Overheard in New York